Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Don't want to work !!!

Today was the first day back at work after my super, duper long leave since 20 Dec.

I really don't feel like waking up to go to work so that I can clear the Himalayas mountain of documents on my desk. But then again, I still have to if I wanna keep my job and get paid. Sigh

Even now that I am at work, I'm worried about my doggie. Sometimes, I will have the illusion of something happening so I'll call home to check, to find out that nothing has happened. Another two more hours till I can actually pop by the shop and check if everything's alright. Yea.....

Then after I can go home and do the most important thing I have to do now.....

Play with my 'little princess' and beloved and dote on her. : ]

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