Monday, October 22, 2007


Good morning,

Today is the third day of opening. There has been quite a nice response from all friends and family during the first two days. I sincerely thank all of them for their everlasting love and support.
*flying hugs to all of them*

The only downside of this day is that it has been raining cats and dogs for the whole morning, murdering the moods of most people I think. *boring..yawn*

But guess what?! We've got 2 customers that drop by even before we open to let us cater to their
curiosity, need for relaxation and pampering. *jumping up and down.... yea!!!!* I'm very hyped now and hope they will enjoy their experience with us.


Latest I heard like about 5 minutes ago, they absolutely dig the fish spa and commented that our manicurist did a great job and was super efficient. hahahahaha... so happy and having a super good mood day despite the rain and tonnes to do.

Good job "xiao mei" !!! hugs...